Giving Back

Kibou is partnering with Hour Children to provide tangible support to women and their children during their time in prison and when they are released. By donating 1% of every purchase to Hour Children, in additional to customer’s generous donations at checkout, we are able to fund the following sample initiatives:
- $25 provides a visitor to Hour Community Food Pantry with food for 7 meals
- $50 provides money for children’s lunches on visitation trips to see their mothers
- $100 helps pay for hotel expenses when families bring children from afar to visit their incarcerated mothers
- $250 helps buy supplies for our child care programs
- $500 helps fund the transportation program for children visiting their incarcerated mothers
- $1000 provides a woman from the Hour Working Women Program and a child in School Fun with a laptop
Through your purchase at Kibou today, you are lending a hand to a mother in need. Thank you for your generous support!